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Купить книгу Don't Give Me That Attitude!. 24 Rude, Selfish, Insensitive Things Kids Do and How to Stop Them, автора Michele  Borba
Don't Give Me That Attitude!. 24 Rude, Selfish, Insensitive Things Kids Do and How to Stop Them
Does your kid never take no for an answer and demand things go his way? Do her theatrics leave you drained at the end of the day? Are you resorting to bribes and threats to get your kid to do chores? Does he cheat, complain, or blame others for his problems? Do you feel you’re running a hotel instead of a home? Are you starting to feel like your child’s personal ATM machine? What happened? You thought you were doing the best for your child and didn’t set out to raise a selfish, insensitive, spoiled kid. In her newest book, Don’t Give Me That Attitude! parenting expert Michele Borba offers you an effective, practical, and hands-on approach to help you work with your child to fix that very annoying but widespread youthful characteristic, attitude. If you have a child who is arrogant, bad-mannered, bad-tempered, a cheat, cruel, demanding, domineering, fresh, greedy, impatient, insensitive, irresponsible, jealous, judgmental, lazy, manipulative, narrow-minded, noncompliant, pessimistic, a poor loser, selfish, uncooperative, ungrateful, or unhelpful, this is the book for you!
Купить книгу Attention Games. 101 Fun, Easy Games That Help Kids Learn To Focus, автора Ralph  Butler
Attention Games. 101 Fun, Easy Games That Help Kids Learn To Focus
If you want to focus children's attention, you first have to capture their interest. Attention Games is filled with interesting and child-tested activities that can help children of all ages become better at focusing and paying attention. By sharing the upbeat, joyful activities in Attention Games, you can enhance your child's intelligence, boost his confidence, increase his ability to concentrate on one thing for long periods, and show that you care. Developed by Barbara Sher—parent, teacher, play therapy specialist and pediatric occupational therapist—these activities are specially designed to encourage kids to expand their powers of attention in ways that will help them throughout their lives.
Купить книгу 12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know. Getting Back to Basics and Raising Happy Kids, автора Michele  Borba
12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know. Getting Back to Basics and Raising Happy Kids
Best-selling parenting guru Michele Borba, the mother of three, has surveyed 5,000 mothers for their experience and wisdom in raising happier, more confident kids by returning to a more natural, authentic kind of mothering. She shares 12 top secrets of successful moms culled from her research and shows how to apply them to your family. You’ll learn how to… Apply the 12 essential principles that child experts and 5,000 parents say matter most in good mothering Raise children with confidence, resilience, and character Create a customized mothering plan and use it so it leads to success with your child Cut the guilt and reduce the stress by sticking to what really counts in parenting good kids today Discover simple ways to make big differences in your family’s life
Купить книгу Семена успеха. Как родителям вырастить преуспевающих детей, автора Товы Кляйн
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Семена успеха. Как родителям вырастить преуспевающих детей
Почему из некоторых детей вырастают успешные уверенные в себе взрослые, а из других закомплексованные неудачники? Куда направить детское любопытство, чтобы оно привело ребенка в счастливую жизнь? Как правильно использовать бьющую через край энергию малыша? Известный психолог Това Кляйн рассказывает, как общаться с маленьким ребенком, чтобы заложить фундамент успеха на всю жизнь. Она утверждает, что формирование устойчивости, самодостаточности, саморегуляции, эмпатии, более важны для будущего успеха, чем просто развитие интеллекта. Из книги вы узнаете, что можете сделать сегодня, чтобы привить эти ключевые качества вашему ребенку. Вы будете точно знать, что делать, чтобы помочь вашему малышу вырасти в полноценного взрослого, и поможете ему быть счастливым каждый день.
Купить книгу Хоумскулинг. Образование для жизни, автора Ольги Юрковской
Хоумскулинг. Образование для жизни
Купить книгу Большая книга развития от 0 до 3 лет! Цвета, формы, цифры, буквы, автора Ларисы Сурковой
Большая книга развития от 0 до 3 лет! Цвета, формы, цифры, буквы
В этом сборнике, разработанном как раз для раннего развития вашего малыша, собраны основополагающие элементы его обучения: основные цвета и цвета радуги, а также цвета в картинках; фигуры и формы; изображения цветов, овощей, фруктов и животных; времена года; день и ночь; счёт от 1 до 10 и счёт в картинках; азбука и первые слова малыша.
Купить книгу ¿A qué huele en tu habitación? ¿Su hijo adolescente fuma hachís?, автора Daniel  Marcelli
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¿A qué huele en tu habitación? ¿Su hijo adolescente fuma hachís?
El cuarto de un adolescente suele parecerse a la cueva de un oso, un lugar donde se nota el olor de tabaco y, quizá, también de hachís…
Купить книгу Воспитание. Простые правила, автора Екатерины Нигматулиной
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Воспитание. Простые правила
Это не типичная книга о детях и родителях – она о реальной жизни, описанной через призму опыта автора.
Купить книгу Artificial Maturity. Helping Kids Meet the Challenge of Becoming Authentic Adults, автора Tim  Elmore
Artificial Maturity. Helping Kids Meet the Challenge of Becoming Authentic Adults
How to raise kids who can handle the real world Today's Generation iY (teens brought up with the Internet) and Homelanders (children born after 9/11) are overexposed to information at an earlier age than ever and paradoxically are underexposed to meaningful relationships and real-life experiences. Artificial Maturity addresses the problem of what to do when parents and teachers mistake children's superficial knowledge for real maturity. The book is filled with practical steps that adults can take to furnish the experiences kids need to balance their abilities with authentic maturity. Shows how to identify the problem of artificial maturity in Generation iY and Homelanders Reveals what to do to help children balance autonomy, responsibility, and information Includes a down-to-earth model for coaching and guiding youth to true maturity Artificial Maturity gives parents, teachers, and others who work with youth a manual for understanding and practicing the leadership kids so desperately need to mature in a healthy fashion.
Купить книгу Parenting For Dummies, автора Helen Brown
Parenting For Dummies
Having a baby is an incredible experience, and the ultimate responsibility! Parenting is a job that you start with no training at all – and friends and family always seem to be the first to tell you how best to bring up your children. But there's no sure-fire formula for raising kids. Maybe that's because every child, like every parent, is an individual, and no two parent-child relationships are ever the same. So, you can give up any notions of being a perfect parent. But, you can learn to keep the big mistakes to a minimum and make the parenting experience easier and more rewarding for your children and yourself. Which is where this book comes in. Covering information for newborns to pre-teens, Parenting For Dummies gives you the essentials of parenting basics. From dealing with a crying baby and potty training, to building self-esteem and dealing with sibling rivalry, it offers a gold mine of up-to-date advice.
Купить книгу My Dad's Got Mojo, автора Gary  Bertwistle
My Dad's Got Mojo
Want to be the best dad ever in the eyes of your kids? It's easier than you think! This inspiring, easy-to-read book from the best-selling author of Who Stole My Mojo? shows you how to set the right tone, example and environment for your kids to give them the very best introduction to life. That's the difference between being a good dad and being an outstanding dad – a dad with mojo. My Dad's Got Mojo is the book for regular guys who want to raise happier, healthier and more creative kids. If you want to be the best dad you can be, start thinking differently, have fun, laugh and get your mojo going!
Купить книгу Smart Parenting for Smart Kids. Nurturing Your Child's True Potential, автора
Smart Parenting for Smart Kids. Nurturing Your Child's True Potential
WINNER! Mom's Choice Gold Award for parenting books – Mom's Choice Awards: The best in family-friendly media «My kid is smart, but…» It takes more than school smarts to create a fulfilling life. In fact, many bright children face special challenges: Some are driven by perfectionism; Some are afraid of effort, because they're used to instant success; Some routinely butt heads with authority figures; Some struggle to get along with their peers; Some are outwardly successful but just don't feel good about themselves. This practical and compassionate book explains the reasons behind these struggles and offers parents do-able strategies to help children cope with feelings, embrace learning, and build satisfying relationships. Drawing from research as well as the authors’ clinical experience, it focuses on the essential skills children need to make the most of their abilities and become capable, confident, and caring people.