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Купить книгу Digital Universe. The Global Telecommunication Revolution, автора
Digital Universe. The Global Telecommunication Revolution
For the student and general reader, a tour of the digital universe that offers critical observations and new perspectives on human communication and intelligence. Traces the development and diffusion of digital information and communication technologies, providing an analysis of trans-cultural effects among developed and developing nations Provides a balanced analysis of the pros and cons of the adoption and diffusion of digital technologies Explores privacy, censorship, the digital divide, online games, and virtual and augmented realities Follows a thematic structure, allowing readers to access the text at any point, based on their interests Accompanying resources provide a wealth of related online content Selected by Choice as a 2013 Outstanding Academic Title
Купить книгу Phonological Development. The First Two Years, автора
Phonological Development. The First Two Years
Drawing on major research developments in the field, Vihman has updated and extensively revised the 1996 edition of her classic text to provide a thorough and stimulating overview of current studies of child production and perception and early word learning. Offers a full survey of the thinking on how babies develop phonological knowledge Provides a much needed update on the field – one in which this book remains unique, and in which there have also been dramatic developments since the publication of the first edition Surveys what has been learned about phonological development and raises questions for further study The only book that includes balanced treatment of research in perception and production and attempts a synthesis of these fields, which have generally developed in isolation from one another Includes a new chapter providing an overview of communicative and attentional development, as well as perceptual and vocal development, in the first 18 months, with additional focus on both implicit and explicit learning mechanisms
Купить книгу From Photon to Pixel. The Digital Camera Handbook, автора Henri  Maitre
From Photon to Pixel. The Digital Camera Handbook
This second edition of the fully revised and updated From Photon to Pixel presents essential elements in modern digital photographic devices. Our universal infatuation with photography profoundly affects its usage and development. While some sides of photographic “culture” remain wholly unchanged – art photography, journalistic and advertising photography, scientific photography, etc. – new facets emerge: leisure or travel photography, everyday life photography, anecdotal, observational or unusual photography, and microcosm, or micro-community, photography with its culmination in the narcissistic selfie. These new forms combine an often simplified manner of photographing and modern means of instantaneous, remote and mass communication. This book does not extend into the sociological study of photography, instead it explains how the digital camera works by examining in detail each of the components that constitutes it to provide the reader with a preliminary guide into the inner workings of this device.
Купить книгу From Photon to Pixel. The Digital Camera Handbook, автора Henri  Maitre
From Photon to Pixel. The Digital Camera Handbook
The digital camera conceals remarkable technological innovations that affect the formation of the image, the color representation or automated measurements and settings. ** From photon to pixel photon ** describes the device both from the point of view of the physics of the phenomena involved, as technical components and software it uses. Based on the perceptual properties of the visual system as well as on standard transmission and representation, analyzes the solutions to meet the demands of the photographer on the development, contrast, white balance or stabilization of image. The advanced architectures adopted in mobile phones and developments of computational photography are also presented, foreshadowing the features of the future device.
Купить книгу Neurobionics. The Biomedical Engineering of Neural Prostheses, автора
Neurobionics. The Biomedical Engineering of Neural Prostheses
Technological advances have greatly increased the potential for, and practicability of, using medical neurotechnologies to revolutionize how a wide array of neurological and nervous system diseases and dysfunctions are treated. These technologies have the potential to help reduce the impact of symptoms in neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease and depression as well as help regain lost function caused by spinal cord damage or nerve damage. Medical Neurobionics is a concise overview of the biological underpinnings of neurotechnologies, the development process for these technologies, and the practical application of these advances in clinical settings. Medical Neurobionics is divided into three sections. The first section focuses specifically on providing a sound foundational understanding of the biological mechanisms that support the development of neurotechnologies. The second section looks at the efforts being carried out to develop new and exciting bioengineering advances. The book then closes with chapters that discuss practical clinical application and explore the ethical questions that surround neurobionics. A timely work that provides readers with a useful introduction to the field, Medical Neurobionics will be an essential book for neuroscientists, neuroengineers, biomedical researchers, and industry personnel.
Купить книгу Advanced Wireless Networks. Technology and Business Models, автора
Advanced Wireless Networks. Technology and Business Models
The third edition of this popular reference covers enabling technologies for building up 5G wireless networks. Due to extensive research and complexity of the incoming solutions for the next generation of wireless networks it is anticipated that the industry will select a subset of these results and leave some advanced technologies to be implemented later,. This new edition presents a carefully chosen combination of the candidate network architectures and the required tools for their analysis. Due to the complexity of the technology, the discussion on 5G will be extensive and it will be difficult to reach consensus on the new global standard. The discussion will have to include the vendors, operators, regulators as well as the research and academic community in the field. Having a comprehensive book will help many participants to join actively the discussion and make meaningful contribution to shaping the new standard.
Купить книгу Design for Health. Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture, автора Terri  Peters
Design for Health. Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture
Design for Health: Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture Guest-Edited by Terri Peters This issue of AD seeks out innovative and varied sustainable architectural responses to designing for health, such as: integrating sensory gardens and landscapes into the care environment; specifying local materials and passive technologies; and reinvigorating aging postwar facilities. Contributors include: Anne-Marie Adams, Sean Ahlquist, Giuseppe Boscherini, Robin Guenther, Charles Jencks, Richard Mazuch, Stephen Verderber, Featured architects: 100% Interior, Arup, C.F. Møller, Lyons, MASS Design Group, Mongomery Sisam Architects, Penoyre & Prasad
Купить книгу Aerospace Actuators. Signal-by-Wire and Power-by-Wire, автора
Aerospace Actuators. Signal-by-Wire and Power-by-Wire
This book is the second in a series of volumes which cover the topic of aerospace actuators following a systems-based approach. This second volume brings an original, functional and architectural vision to more electric aerospace actuators. The aspects of signal (Signal-by-Wire) and power (Power-by-Wire) are treated from the point of view of needs, their evolution throughout history, and operational solutions that are in service or in development. This volume is based on an extensive bibliography, numerous supporting examples and orders of magnitude which refer to flight controls and landing gear for various aircraft (fixed or rotorwing, launchers) in commercial, private and military applications. The topics covered in this set of books constitute a significant source of information for individuals and engineers from a variety of disciplines, seeking to learn more about aerospace actuation systems and components.
Купить книгу Hyperbolic Structures. Shukhov's Lattice Towers - Forerunners of Modern Lightweight Construction, автора Matthias  Beckh
Hyperbolic Structures. Shukhov's Lattice Towers - Forerunners of Modern Lightweight Construction
Hyperbolic structures analyses the interactions of form with the structural behaviour of hyperbolic lattice towers, and the effects of the various influencing factors were determined with the help of parametric studies and load capacity analyses. This evaluation of Shukhov’s historical calculations and the reconstruction of the design and development process of his water towers shows why the Russian engineer is considered not only a pathfinder for lightweight structures but also a pioneer of parametrised design processes.
Купить книгу analog und digital. schriften zur philosophie des machens, автора Otl  Aicher
analog und digital. schriften zur philosophie des machens
Otl Aicher (1922 –1991) war einer der herausragenden Vertreter des modernen Designs, er war Mitbegründer der legendären Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG). Der heute geläu_ ge Begriff der visuellen Kommunikation ist auf ihn zurückzuführen. Was er seit den 1950er Jahren geschaffen hat, erinnert sei z. B. an die Piktogramme für die Olympischen Sommerspiele München 1972, gehört zu den ganz großen Leistungen der visuellen Kultur unserer Zeit. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt der Arbeiten von Aicher ist deren Verankerung in einer von Denkern wie Ockham, Kant oder Wittgenstein inspirierten „Philosophie des Machens“, die die Voraussetzungen und Ziele sowie die Gegenstände und Ansprüche von Gestaltung zum Thema hat. Aichers Schriften zu Fragen des Designs von der visuellen Gestaltung bis hin zur Architektur liegen in diesem Band in geschlossener Form vor. Wenn Aicher das Analoge und Konkrete dem Digitalen und Abstrakten vorzieht, tut er dies mit philosophischer Absicht. Er relativiert die Rolle der reinen Vernunft. Er kritisiert den Rationalismus der Moderne als Ergebnis der Vorherrschaft des bloß abstrakten Denkens. Wer das Abstrakte dem Konkreten vorzieht, missversteht nicht nur die wechselseitige Abhängigkeit von Begriff und Anschauung. Er schafft nach Aichers Urteil auch eine falsche Hierarchie, eine Rangordnung, die kulturell verhängnisvoll ist. Das digitale, Abstrakte ist nicht höher, größer und wichtiger als das Analoge, Konkrete. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl
Купить книгу die welt als entwurf. schriften zum design, автора Otl  Aicher
die welt als entwurf. schriften zum design
Otl Aicher (1922–1991) war einer der herausragenden Vertreter des modernen Designs, er war Mitbegründer der legendären Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG). Der heute geläufige Begriff der visuellen Kommunikation ist auf ihn zurückzuführen. Was er seit den 1950er Jahren geschaffen hat, erinnert sei z. B. an die Piktogramme für die Olympischen Sommerspiele München 1972, gehört zu den ganz großen Leistungen der visuellen Kultur unserer Zeit. Die hier versammelten Texte sind Erkundungen einer „Welt als Entwurf“. Sie gehören substantiell zu seiner Arbeit. In der Bewegung durch die Geschichte von Denken und Gestalten, Bauen und Konstruieren versichert er sich der Möglichkeiten, die Existenz menschlich einzurichten. Nach wie vor geht es um die Frage, unter welchen Voraussetzungen Zivilisationskultur herstellbar ist. Diese Voraussetzungen müssen erstritten werden gegen scheinbare Sachzwänge und geistige Ersatzangebote. Otl Aicher streitet gern. So enthält dieser Band neben Berichten aus der Praxis und historischen Exkursen zu Design und Architektur auch polemische Einlassungen zu kultur– politischen Themen. Mit produktivem Eigen-Sinn streitet Aicher vor allem für die Erneuerung der Moderne, die sich weitgehend in ästhetischen Visionen erschöpft habe. Noch immer sei der „Kultursonntag“ wichtiger als der Arbeitsalltag. Wolfgang Jean Stock
Купить книгу Global Media Ethics. Problems and Perspectives, автора
Global Media Ethics. Problems and Perspectives
Global Media Ethics is the first comprehensive cross-cultural exploration of the conceptual and practical issues facing media ethics in a global world. A team of leading journalism experts investigate the impact of major global trends on responsible journalism. The first full-length, truly global textbook on media ethics Explores how current global changes in media promote and inhibit responsible journalism Includes relevant and timely ethical discussions based on major trends in journalism and global media Questions existing frameworks in Media Ethics in light of the impact of global media Contributors are leading experts in global journalism and communication