Книги о войне - скачать книги или читать онлайн. Страница 15

Купить книгу Снежный Тайфун, автора Александра Михайловского
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Снежный Тайфун
Третья книга из серии «Врата Войны». Началась суровая русская зима 1941-42 года. Как и в нашей истории, для захватчиков из нацистского вермахта, уже переживших свой первый разгром, она станет жестоким испытанием, а для бойцов и командиров героической РККА, а также солдат и офицеров Экспедиционных сил – временем новых блистательных побед. В этой книге будет все. Гремя огнем, сверкая блеском стали, пойдет в свой первый бой 4-я танковая бригада полковника Катукова, ВКС России нанесут уничтожающий бомбовый удар по Берлину, а группировка российских Экспедиционных сил, сокрушая группу армий «Север», совершит стремительный прорыв к Риге.
Купить книгу Самый безумный танковый бой в истории, автора Максима Кузнецова
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Самый безумный танковый бой в истории
“Ленинградская Прохоровка”, “Второй Сталинград”, “Снайпер дома Павлова”, “Советский День Д”… Истории Второй мировой, написанные для MAXIM по воспоминаниям солдат и командиров, сражавшихся по обе стороны фронта.
Купить книгу Горячий 41-й год, автора Бориса Геннадьевича Цехановича
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Горячий 41-й год
1941 год. Год горечи, разочарований, поражений. Трудное, переломное время для государства и тяжёлое бремя выбора для обыкновенных людей, в том числе и людей в форме, когда ты вынужден решать – что делать? То ли сразу сдаться, перестать бороться и тихо продолжать жить, то ли сразу пойти на службу к врагу или же, отбросив первое и второе – драться. Драться, не жалея своих сил и самой жизни. И таких было большинство. Реальная история зарождения партизанского движения в Белоруссии,услышанная автором из уст партизана. Фото из личного архива автора. Содержит нецензурную брань.Содержит нецензурную брань.
Купить книгу The Kindness of Women, автора
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The Kindness of Women
‘This is autobiography taken to the highest reaches of fiction, another wonderful novel of scorching power, shot through with honesty and lyricism’ ObserverThe Kindness of Women continues the story of Jim, the young boy whose experiences in Japanese-occupied Shanghai were described in Empire of the Sun. It follows his return to post-war England, setting his childhood in the context of a lifetime.Jim tries, and fails, to find stability as a medical student at Cambridge, then as a trainee RAF pilot in Canada. Having finally settled into happy family life, his world is ripped apart by domestic tragedy. He plunges into the maelstrom of the 1960s, an instigator and subject of every aspect of cultural, social and sexual revolution.We follow, in all this, the progress of a bruised mind as it tries to make sense of the upheaval around it. Turning conspicuously, as in Empire of the Sun, to the events of his own life, Ballard makes of experience fiction that is frankly startling and, at its most tender, powerfully moving.This edition is part of a new commemorative series of Ballard’s works, featuring introductions from a number of his admirers (including James Lever, Ali Smith, Hari Kunzru and Martin Amis) and brand-new cover designs.
Купить книгу The Girl From Cobb Street, автора Merryn  Allingham
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The Girl From Cobb Street
She longed for a family of her own…Growing up in an orphanage on East London’s Cobb Street, Daisy Driscoll never felt the warm heart of home. Forging her own way in the world, determined Daisy struggles to make ends meet as the country finds itself on the brink of the Second World War.Her fortunes change when she finds solace in the arms of Gerald Mortimer, a handsome cavalry subaltern in the Indian army. Finally, Daisy has found someone to love of her very own. But soon she discovers she’s pregnant and fate was never going to give her an easy ride.Gerald is not all he claims to be and, as he leads her along a path of danger and scandal, Daisy must find the strength within herself to get through her darkest hour.For fans of Nadine Dorries, Katie Flynn and Maureen Lee.The Daisy’s War trilogy:The Girl from Cobb Street – Book 1The Nurse’s War – Book 2Daisy’s Long Road Home – Book 3Each story in the Daisy’s War series can be read and enjoyed as a standalone story – or as part of this compelling trilogy charting the fortunes of Daisy Driscoll.
Купить книгу The Girl with the Golden Spurs, автора Ann  Major
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The Girl with the Golden Spurs
From the cradle, Lizzy Kemble had the powerful sense that she didn’t belong in her family’s notorious Texas empire.Her desire for land-grabbing Cole Knight, embittered son of the neighbouring rancher, proved her right. Her daddy had done everything possible to turn her into a proper Kemble – all the way to leaving his vast Golden Spurs Ranch in her hands after he fell victim to a stroke.But when her father’s death turns out to be murder, Lizzy knows someone is willing to kill to claim the Kemble wealth…and she’s next on the hit list. With the Golden Spurs at risk, she’s fighting back…but who is the enemy? The enigmatic Cole? Her cut-throat family?Caught in a high-stakes game of win, lose or die, Lizzy is forced to gamble her ranch, her heart, her very life for the truth behind the Golden Spurs.“No one provides hotter emotional fireworks than the fiery Ann Major. ” —Romantic Times
Купить книгу Play With a Tiger and Other Plays, автора Doris  Lessing
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Play With a Tiger and Other Plays
Three acclaimed works for the stage by Doris Lessing, winner of the Nobel Prize for LiteratureWritten from 1950s to the 1970s, the three plays collected here reflect the social and political concerns of the times, and are rich with Doris Lessing’s characteristic passion and incisiveness.‘Play With a Tiger’ follows the fortunes of Anna and Dave, representatives of the emerging post-war classless society, and their attempts to find a blueprint for living. ‘The Singing Door’, written for children, is a highly experimental play, a clever and witty allegorical study of power games. ‘Each His Own Wilderness’ tells the story of Myra, who has fought all her life for the socialist ideal, and who must now come to terms with the fact that despite her best efforts, her son is indifferent to her politics.
Купить книгу One Thousand Chestnut Trees, автора
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One Thousand Chestnut Trees
An epic tale of an enigmatic land – Korea – and one woman’s search for her past.Uncle Hong-do arrives in Vermont from Korea to see the sister he has never met, a concert violinist long settled in America. His colourful visit turns his teenage niece Anna’s world upside down, disrupting her cosy existence with his eccentric customs, forcing into it a fresh and intriguing tang of Korea. Then, too soon, he returns to Seoul.When Anna leaves for the orient many years later to uncover her family’s elusive history, her departure stirs up vivid, shocking memories for her mother, of her gilded childhood in Korea and the story of her noble clan’s fall from power.Long ago, her grandfather, Lord Min, commanded his own private armies and his vast estates straddled North and South. In defiance of centuries of barbarous invasions – by the Japanese, Manchus, and finally the Communists – he built a temple high in the mountains, and planted one thousand chestnut trees to shield it from view. Now, generations later, his trees call back his great-granddaughter, and Anna sets out with Uncle Hong-do to find the hidden temple.A powerful mixture of memoir and fiction – the Wild Swans of Korea.
Купить книгу If I Die in a Combat Zone, автора
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If I Die in a Combat Zone
Hailed as one of the finest books to emerge from the Vietnam War, If I Die in a Combat Zone is a fascinating insight into the lives of the soldiers caught in the conflict.First published in 1973, this intensely personal novel about one foot soldier’s tour of duty in Vietnam established Tim O’Brien’s reputation as the outstanding chronicler of the Vietnam experience for a generation of Americans.From basic training to the front line and back again, he takes the reader on an unforgettable journey – walking the minefields of My Lai, fighting the heat and the snipers in an alien land, crawling into the ghostly tunnels – as he explores the ambiguities of manhood and morality in a war no one believes in.
Купить книгу Franky Furbo, автора William  Wharton
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Franky Furbo
A welcome reissue of this wartime classic from the author of Birdy.During WW II, a dying American soldier, William Wiley, and his German captor, Wilhelm Klug, are miraculously rescued by a fox endowed with extraordinary powers, Franky Furbo.For William, the experience is indisputably true but when he discovers later that neither his wife nor children believe in Franky, he endures a crisis of faith and searches desperately for the truth.Franky Furbo is a modern fable with a remarkable twist, quite unlike anything Wharton wrote before or since.
Купить книгу Forget-Me-Not Child, автора Anne  Bennett
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Forget-Me-Not Child
A story of struggle and hardship and one girl’s battle for survival from the best-selling author of If You Were the Only Girl and Another Man’s Child.Angela McCluskey comes to Birmingham from Ireland with her family as a young girl to escape the terrible poverty in her homeland. But the dream of a better life is dashed as bad fortune dogs the family.When Angela marries her childhood sweetheart, she has hopes of a brighter future, which are dashed when her husband is called up to fight in the Great War. Tragedy strikes and Angela is left to rear her frail daughter on her own, though the worst is yet to come when Angela suffers another terrible misfortune.Pregnant and destitute and already with one mouth to feed that she can ill afford, there is nowhere left to turn. What destiny awaits Angela and her unborn child? Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, will Angela forever be punished for the choices that she makes?
Купить книгу Netherland, автора
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In early 2006, Chuck Ramkissoon is found dead at the bottom of a New York canal.In London, a Dutch banker named Hans van den Broek hears the news, and remembers his unlikely friendship with Chuck and the off-kilter New York in which it flourished: the New York of 9/11, the powercut and the Iraq war. Those years were difficult for Hans – his English wife Rachel left with their son after the attack, as if that event revealed the cracks and silences in their marriage, and he spent two strange years in New York’s Chelsea Hotel, passing stranger evenings with the eccentric residents.Lost in a country he'd regarded as his new home, Hans sought comfort in a most alien place – the thriving but almost invisible world of New York cricket, in which immigrants from Asia and the West Indies play a beautiful, mystifying game on the city's most marginal parks. It was during these games that Hans befriends Chuck Ramkissoon, who dreamed of establishing the city's first proper cricket field. Over the course of a summer, Hans grew to share Chuck's dream and Chuck's sense of American possibility – until he began to glimpse the darker meaning of his new friend's activities and ambitions.‘Netherland’ is a novel of belonging and not belonging, and the uneasy state in between. It is a novel of a marriage foundering and recuperating, and of the shallows and depths of male friendship. With it, Joseph O'Neill has taken the anxieties and uncertainties of our new century and fashioned a work of extraordinary beauty and brilliance.